Friday, February 22, 2013

yada yada yada

This month we are prompted to write posts that relate to love for NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month for those of you who don't understand the acronym).  I guess they thought that writing about love in the month that Valentine's Day falls would be an easier prompt to follow.

Except that as usual, I march to the beat of my own drum, which means I haven't followed a single prompt all month, but written and shared things that are important to me, or that hit me funny.

I kept up through days of surgery for Stevie Wonder and also for me...took photos and wrote haiku poetry. I got to a point in time that I became smug...announcing to Steve that I was going to MAKE IT through this month!

Until I got to tonight.  No ideas.  Fatigue so overwhelming that I am having trouble putting two sentences together that make any sense at all.  And I feared that tonight would be the night I failed.

Then I decided to write about just that.  This isn't award winning material I write after all, it is just a record for my children and grandchildren to have after I am gone that is part of me, so they can read it, understand me a bit better, and enjoy sharing my memories.

So for you, my family, I write about a typical day for me, a Friday on this twenty second day of March, 2013.  The day your mom and grammy decided to take the bull by the horns and write about her near defeat.

Near defeat because I made it through another day, but there are six more days to go in the month.

Just remember I love you all...(I added that to keep sort of on target with the theme for the month.)

And another photoless day today...because I am bereft of ideas to shoot. :D is good!! ~cath
find me @jonesbabie on Twitter


  1. I love you too heart. Put your feet up and relax a bit, or better yet do some yoga.

    1. I did both sweetie. :D Add wine to that for total relaxation!
