Today is Stevie Wonder's birthday. We don't normally make a big deal out of birthdays, and never really have. Well except for the Wilton Cake Decorating Course I took at home when the kids were little. And all that really meant was that they didn't have a whole lot of say about the type of cake they got, because it was whatever I was practicing at the time (poor Jim got a cake that looked like someone had puked a bouquet of flowers all over it because I was learning how to make flowers). We make sure there is still cake (that I DO NOT decorate) and make contact with the person on their birthday to send them wishes and love.
So yesterday Steve got an ice cream cake created at the Dairy Queen and served up by Jen after the kids' soccer games were over and we were back at her house. Steve is the kind of Gramps that believes in equality between the grand kids, so he bought a birthday cake at Wal Mart today and brought it home. So Jack and John could have cake of course....
Except that I know the truth...we couldn't bring that other cake home from Jen's like she wanted us to (it would have been a puddle in the back seat before we got here), and it's been burning a hole in Steve's brain since we left her house. And today is the OFFICIAL day after all. Stevie Wonder is 66. So he will have cake to eat after all...which is what he really wanted...after all. :-D
I am thankful that back in February, when his heart rate was 27, Steve got a pacemaker and a new lease on life, and the chance to spend many more birthdays with us.
I am thankful for our years together, our children and grandchildren, and the love we all share.
I am thankful Steve wears bifocals. (So that when he told me to toss him the remote today, arrogantly telling me that he was the only one who could correctly fast forward past the commercials, I was fortunate enough to see him miss an easy catch and watch it hit his crotch and double him over groaning for a few minutes.) He blamed the bifocals of course.
The laugh I had that lasted way too long, was MY cake for the day.
Wretch and Steve at Point Arena Lighthouse, California |
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