Thursday, March 5, 2015

where is your nose and lip?

my missing nose and lip
I love photography and technology.  They are my addiction.  Put that together with my iPhone and the myriad apps out there, and you have a recipe for disaster.  Or a family joke.  For me, today, it's the latter.

My sister Vicky loves to tease me about my photo edits.  Especially when I take a selfie and tweak it.  It's all in good fun, and we always have a laugh about it.  One thing my sisters and I can do is take a poke in fun.

Today I am poking her.  Her latest comment about this photo I posted to Facebook was: "where's your nose and upper lip?"

 Obviously it's in edit limbo.  But I got to tweaking some of her Facebook photos and decided to return the favor and put hers in the same place mine went. :)

 So, here's to you my favorite middle sister.  Your beauty shines through it all, because it radiates from your heart.

where's your nose and lip?

vix and dooj

...nothing compares to sisters. ~cath
find me @jonesbabie on Twitter


  1. I love you and I love every part of your face, but some of it was missing in action today. You know I couldn't help myself because of my love for pure unadulterated photos in all their natural beauty.

    1. Somehow I knew you'd say that Vix, lol. Just like the fact that you haven't made a profile yet so you could comment by name, you are a few steps behind me in the tech geek stuff. I like unretouched photos too, and often post them, but for me using an editing app with my iPhone is like seeing what's around that bend in the road ahead...curiosity drives me. Blame our father, who gave me his geek genes. :)
