Tuesday, November 1, 2011

no to november

This sums up how I feel, and how I function at my creative best...November is starting, and my mind is awhirl with the possibilities that lie ahead.  What are your plans for November?  Are you centered and focused, or living in a maelstrom?  I'd love to hear from y'all.  Your thoughts?

~cath xo
Twitter @jonesbabie


  1. My head starts spinning along with November. The month starts with my birthday, and from there it's a headlong dizzying rush through our anniversary and straight through the holidays.

  2. @Beckey Have a Happy Birthday Beckey, and don't let the holidays work you into a frazzle! :D

  3. Another good one - you're so great at this.

  4. @Thom Brown Aww thanks Thom, I think this art form and I were meant for each other. :D

  5. Love your photo haiku. Makes what for me is a sad month - leading into the year's end - look glorious. Uplifting. Maybe this won't be just one more November to be tucked away along with all those other forgotten Novembers. Or maybe it will change my perception of November.

    November was the month when I was asked to take early retirement, effectively ending my 30-year career.

    November was the month when, as a child of ten, I disembarked in Mexico (from England), a culturally traumatic move that completely changed my life's course.

    I don't like November. Even so, I don't want it to end.

  6. @Penelope J. I totally understand Pennie. And how do I know? Because August is the month that is anathema to me. I turn one year older every August, my father died in August, and the worst day of my professional life as a nurse happened in August. And top that off with the fact that it is the hottest month of the year in the south and feels like we are three inches from hell. I guess I'll have to come up with a haiku to convert August from a negative to a positive. So far though, I just hate that month with a purple passion, as I used to describe things I hated when I was a child.

    I appreciate your comments. Always so thoughtful and honest. Hope the writing is zooming along for you. I think about you often and wonder.
    ~cath xo

  7. Jeez Cathy! The freakin' spider is freakin' me out, woman! Agggghhhhhhh!

  8. This is just so effortless for you, Cathy! Another good one! :-)

  9. Your haiku was so calming, Cath! I needed that! Because when you mentioned "November" and how we felt about it, all I could think was that I can't believe it's almost the end of the year...and what have I done with all this time? =P

  10. @Stella gone Stella...that was my Halloween spider. :D but he was just a teeny wolf spider you know... haha

  11. @Samantha Bangayan I think November is unappreciated, and after the October I had, I am determined to savor every moment. Yes, it is a time of ending, but also has its own magic elements. Enjoy. :D

  12. Lovely Cath, good to be reminded of the positives of this month. It was always a bad month for us. Your tree reminds be of the beauty, walks on crisp days, kicking through the fallen leaves and settling in by the open fire.

  13. @hocam That's what I think of when I look at the trees Mary. Crisp. The air, the leaves, it's all crisp and edgy after months of undulating, enveloping heat. Thanks for the comment. :D

  14. Have been obsessing over the November/December holidays since well before Memorial Day... We don;t get the lovely seasonal crispness here in LA to make it all worth it. Just rain or 90 degree scorchers. :(

  15. @Karen I hear you on that Karen...I grew up in northern California, and we had two seasons there...dry and wet. I have enjoyed the seasonal changes in the South, but living three inches from hell in the summer isn't much fun. :)
